Katana offers you a solution tailored to your enterprise needs. You may choose any of the options available to you for the destruction of your documents: starting from a regular scheduled service, to ad hoc archive destruction, or a flat fee basis. According to size, to each its needs, to each its own Katana service.

Katana treats all types of confidential documents past their legal conservation period (corporate documents, fiscal papers, accounting, administration, telephone bills, salary slips, employment contracts, banking documents, check book stabs, credit and debit card invoices, commercial documents, contracts and agreements, expense reports, cost projections, client invoices etc…)


  • Supervised on-site destruction in minutes.
  • State of the art trucks shredding heavy duty files, paper documents, electronic back up files,
  • Every bit is recycled and nothing is kept nor incinerated.
  • 1 ton of paper destroyed by Katana saves 17 trees.

Do you have archives, confidential documents or hard-drives to destroy?